Alte Nationalgalerie

Alte Nationalgalerie is the old National Gallery of Berlin and where I spent approx. 45 mins to kill time, as I was travelling solo through Europe in 2019. I thought…

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Taste of Berlin 2019

A few days ago, I took a big leap out of my comfort zone and travelled to Berlin, alone, as a small, female Asian. Unfortunately, this meant fewer food photos…

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Zwinger Palace

Zwinger is a Baroque palatial complex designed by architect Matthaus Daniel Poppelmann. On Monday 25th March 2019, I visited Dresden with my tour group today and here are some snapshots…

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Dresden, Germany 2019

Dresden is the capital of Saxony, Germany. It is known as the Jewel Box, recognised by its celebrated art museums and baroque architecture. I had the pleasure of stopping by…

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Berlin, Germany 2019

One of the biggest decisions I made in 2019 was booking a visit to Berlin for one. I wanted to step outside my comfort zone and travel in a foreign…

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